Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock

Physical Therapy Programs - Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock. And the content related to Physical Therapy Programs. Advertisements

Do you know about - Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock

Physical Therapy Programs! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As the clock ticks on, so does your body's biological clock. Although no one knows what our expiration date is, with these tips you can growth your odds of stopping the three time bombs in your body and allow your time line to be long and strong!

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How is Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Programs.

1. Your heart, the beating time bomb.

I'll bet that if I were to ask you the four main things you need to do to forestall a heart attack you could spout them out lickity-split. If I were to ask you how many of them do you bind to in your daily routine you would tell me all of them, right?

So how come 4109 of us have a heart attack every day? Yep, 1.5 million habitancy have heart attacks every year in the Us. Half a million die. But how can that be? Have you seen all the habitancy running, swimming, biking or walking? Twelve hours a day there are countless infomercials selling all the latest gadgets for staying super fit. We should be a nation of supermen/women wearing a huge "S" on our red shirts.

But, alas we are not: for those twelve hours a day we are being sold gadgets that make all things easier along with 800 numbers to call for easy help, and websites that deliver all things right to your door, we are given the message that losing weight is easy. At this rate somebody will come up with a way where you don't even have to go to the door to pick up what was delivered! Sheesh!

Avoidance tactics are; a sensible diet with low amounts of fats and cholesterol. This may not be easy but it's a lot easier than undergoing surgery, so think about that next time you reach for your 2nd helping.

A daily exercise program that burns the fats and cholesterol and will lower your blood pressure. Some habitancy are even able to get off their blood pressure medications when they exercise and lose weight. You should be under a doctor's care and ask your doctor's guidance before going off any medication.

Keeping your stress under operate (exercise helps). exercise indeed lowers your stress hormones and is as effective as medication for mild depression. The benefit? exercise doesn't hurt your liver.

And getting a good night's sleep (exercise helps).

These are easy rules to live by and a far cry from trying to diffuse a bomb like they do in the movies where you have to shape out either to cut the blue wire or the red wire. Tick, tick, tick, tick. You are the detonator or the bomb squad to the rescue. The choice is yours.

2. Your Lungs

If you smoke cigarettes you might just as well roller-skate behind a city bus every day and get it over with in a hurry. Talk about a time bomb. You are indeed lighting the fuse every time you fire one up. I know this may not be politically definite to say that, but I'd rather tell it like it is than see you gasping for air hooked up to tubes waiting to die choking on every breath. If this sounds a wee harsh, it's not as harsh as dealing with smoke linked diseases.

When you inhale smoke, it smothers and kills the wee tissues that make up the tiny air sacs in your lungs. When you sleep, some get repaired, others don't. Years of smoking kills these wee sacs faster than they can heal and heal themselves. That's why habitancy who quit can recover and lead longer healthier lives. Also habitancy who exercise have best oxygen saturation. Why? Because stronger muscles require less oxygen.

Since I've never known anything who enjoys gasping for air after climbing stairs, or having weak muscles, low bone density, burned clothes and furniture or smelling like an ashtray wherever you go, I can't dream that this would be anyone's inheritance in life. When you do quit, you'll smell how offensive the smoke is and you'll also have a best sense of smell for all the extraordinary things in life - fresh flowers or ocean air. Air is still free so make the most of it and use all you can.

The human body is made to suck in air because the trillions of tiny cells that make up the human body need and use air as much as you need to breathe to stay alive. If you poison the air they breathe, they die. As they die, you come to be weaker and sick. It's that simple. Every time you put out a cigarette, you've quit. Make this one the last one and then go face for a breath of fresh air.

3. Joints are for Moving

Here's a surprising statistic, every 8 and a half seconds, someone in the Us turns 50. That's right! That translates to 76 million habitancy today and that number is growing. Of that 76 million, 46 million, that's more than half, will suffer from painful joints. It may be you, it may be a friend, or it may be someone you love.

For many years doctors plan that exercising with arthritis would damage your joints. Fortunately, doctors are now aware that therapeutic exercise is vital to reducing and eliminating joint pain.

Therapeutic exercise has been medically proven to ease and definite joint pain and that's why insurance fellowships pay for specialist treatment to stabilize weakened muscles and heighten range of motion. By incorporating regular, targeted therapeutic exercise you can ease joint pain and ease muscle tension. So what type of therapeutic exercise? Exercises that comprise flexibility and muscle strengthening provided by a licensed corporal or Occupational Therapy are best. Just as a nurse has specialized training in pharmacology, therapists have years of intense training in therapeutic exercise, physiology and kinesiology, which is the study of human movement.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Physical Therapy Programs. Where you possibly can put to easy use in your daily life. And most significantly, your reaction is Physical Therapy Programs.Read more.. Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock. View Related articles related to Physical Therapy Programs. I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Age Proof Your Body's Biological Clock.

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