Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Letter of Encouraagement

Physical Therapy Graduate Programs - A Letter of Encouraagement
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Physical Therapy Graduate Programs! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

A Letter Of Encouragement

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How is A Letter of Encouraagement

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Graduate Programs.

The college campus was teeming with students with books and notes in their hands. No one seemed curious to socialize, every person was busy memorizing for their last paper. Usually the noise level would be high and there would be a lot of movement from one block to the next. But today was a separate day, the last day of exams. Face contractors were busy putting up the structures significant for the graduation ceremony the next day. Hundreds of chairs were laid out for the practice that evening. Molly and her friends had made plans to enjoy the next few days with exams behind them and parents advent for graduation from out of state. Sad to say my friend Molly had a serious car emergency that afternoon with a drunken driver, who jumped the red light. The car was totaled and she ended up with head injuries and fracture of the spine. Molly had just prepared for her graduation, waiting for her parents, was seeing ahead to a new job and an apartment near her place of work. I was not able to go out and visit her so I prayerfully wrote this letter to encourage her and let her know that I cared.

Dear Molly, My Friend,

Molly, my heart longs to sit beside you and hold your hand, I heard what happened to you and I am glad that you are still alive, thank God. It could have been worse and your suffering could have multiplied. Do remember that all your friends are praying for you and we are safe bet that God will riposte our prayers. During this time when you are confined to a wheel chair depending on others must be difficult as you have such an independent personality. The Lord allows us to pass through such problems so that we can slow down, spend more time with Him and reflect on our priorities. Please read Ii Cor 4:16-18.(Kjv). Do read it prayerfully several times for the next few days. I want the Lord to speak to you afresh through this passage.

Molly, you know that our God is a great physician who is able to heal you and progress you. The psalmist says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Ps .46:1. Kjv) As time permits do read the rest of that chapter, it will de facto lift you up. When our bodily frames are weak, that is the time for satan to come up with more temptations and made us depressed. Look up to the mountains from whence cometh our help and do not allow self pity to set in. You have been doing a very hectic program at school for four years and this forced rest will help you to recoup physically and spiritually. You will soon be up and about praising God and helping others.

Everyone at the youth group is waiting for you to return and continue the special group project you started. several members wondered if you would like them to come over and just relax with you. I know you are not ready for phone calls or visitors yet. This temporary suffering will consequent in eternal benefits if you allow the Lord to work in your life. The potter sometimes has to break the clay, mould it afresh before he can bake it in the furnace and then he can fill it. So when the Lord is working on you, just yield to Him, be pliable and do not resist. He will do a perfect work in you and you will be a vessel of glory to honor Him.

In the future, I know the Lord will blessing you more than ever before. Like Peter of old you will walk on the water, because you know what it is to trust in Jesus. You will encourage and motivate others in the church to use their talents for the Master. As a pruned subject you will bear more fruits of the Spirit to glorify His name. Just take one day at a time and soon you will be back to general condition and vigor. God bless you. I am praying for your speedy recovery. I will come over as soon as I can.

You Loving Sister in Christ,


During her time of rescue which was long and lonesome, she became depressed and bitter towards the Lord. Even though friends from church were calling on her and helping, she was unable to realize why this happened to her. The curative team responsible for Molly did a splendid job and after months of therapy she is back on her feet. House and friends were supportive and finally Molly revived in the inner man to magnify His Almighty Name. Today she has a great testimony to share of God's faithfulness and loving kindness. May the Lord help us to learn more and more about Him daily from our experiences.

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