Friday, July 27, 2012

Psychosocial Factors That Promote flourishing Aging

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There are some psychological and public factors that have been connected to increased personel life expectancy and ability of life in older adults. While the majority of attention in the life prolongation and prosperous aging field has focused on corporal factors such as exercise, diet, sleep, genetics and so on, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that psychological and sociological factors also have a considerable affect on how well individuals age (Warnick, 1995).

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How is Psychosocial Factors That Promote flourishing Aging

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Warnick (1995) believes that adjusting to the changes that accompany late adulthood and old age requires that an personel is able to be flexible and compose new coping skills to adapt to the changes that are base to this time in their lives. Aging research has demonstrated a positive correlation in the middle of someone's religious beliefs, public relationships, perceived health, self-efficacy, socioeconomic status, and coping skills among others to their ability to age more successfully. The term prosperous aging has been defined by three main components: "low probability of disease and disease connected disability, high cognitive and corporal functional capacity, and active engagement with life" (Rowe & Kahn, 1997).

Baltes and Baltes (1990) suggested that the term prosperous aging appears paradoxical, as aging traditionally brings to mind images of loss, decline, and greatest death, whereas success is represented by achievement. However, the application of the term, prosperous aging, they argue forces a reexamination of the nature of old age as it presently exists. "An inclusive definition of prosperous aging requires a value based, systemic, and ecological perspective, inspecting both subjective and objective indicators within a cultural context" (Baltes & Baltes, 1990).

With curative advancements and improvements in living conditions citizen can now expect to live longer lives than ever before. But, the expectation of merely living longer presents many problems. This fact has led researchers to research the psychological aspects of aging, with a goal of making the added years more worth living. There is a great deal of information that leads us to be hopeful about the prospective ability of life in late adulthood and old age.

Religious beliefs, spirituality, and church participation have been the focus of numerous studies entertaining older adults. discrete studies have connected religiousness with well-being, life pleasure or happiness (VanNess & Larson, 2002). Although it will be considerable for time to come research to more clearly specify which dimensions of religious participation are beneficial to which outcomes (Levin & Chatters, 1998), it appears that positive aspects of religious participation enables elderly citizen to cope with and overcome emotional and corporal problems more effectively, foremost to a heightened sense of well being in late adulthood.

It is commonly known that suicide rates are higher among elderly people, and there is evidence that persons who engage in religious performance are more than four times less likely to commit suicide (Nisbet, Duberstein, Conwell, et al: 2000). The inverse connection in the middle of religiousness and suicide rate in elderly individuals may be due to the fact that religious beliefs help elderly citizen cope with or prevent depression and hopelessness, which are established risk factors for suicide (Abramson, Alloy, Hogan, et al: 2000). The connection in the middle of religiousness and prosperous aging is an highly complex one. This makes it difficult to pinpoint which factors of participation in a religious society lead to the increased sense of well-being, satisfaction, and happiness. It is possible that religiousness exerts its beneficial effects by creating positive emotions that stimulate the immune system. Or, it may provide way to public and psychological resources that buffer the impact of stress and aid ones ability to effectively cope (Ellison, 1995).

Membership in religious organizations also provides older individuals with a public network from which to draw emotional sustain and encouragement, while enhancing one`s ability to adapt to turn and buffer stress (Levin, Markides, Ray, 1996). research has shown that public networks, such as those commonly found in religious organizations are connected with positive health outcomes in older adults, including lower risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and functional decline (Seeman, 1996). The relationships that are fostered within the church or religious group serve for many as a transfer for the public groups that they engaged in at work before retirement. In addition, the attitudes that are learned from religiously committed peers may benefit ones health straight through encouragement of salutary behaviors and lifestyle lowering the risk of disease (Levin & Chatters, 1998).

One of the base threads that has been found to assess with prosperous aging is the individual's socioeconomic status, particularly instruction and income levels (Meeks & Murrell, 2001). The connection in the middle of instruction level and subjective well-being has been demonstrated consistently. Meeks and Murrell (2001) found that instruction did have direct effects on negative affect, trait health and life satisfaction. Their research done that higher educational attainment is connected with lower levels of negative affect, which is connected to great health and increased life pleasure (Meeks & Murrell, 2001). This may be due to the fact that "individuals with higher instruction levels benefit from the opportunities and resources connected to educational attainment that furnish accumulated success experiences and conduce to first-rate functioning in later life" (Meeks & Murrell, 2001). It is also possible that more educated citizen compose first-rate methods for question solving and coping with change. Higher instruction levels have been shown to provide individuals with great occupational opportunities and public status straight through adulthood and greater financial stability during the transition to retirement. This establishes instruction level as ones foundation for prosperous aging (Meeks & Murrell, 2001).

Material wealth and income have been shown to have a direct connection to subjective well-being (Andrews, 1986). For many, the sense of well-being is especially effected by their feelings of income adequacy as they move into retirement. Many individuals face relinquishment with great anxiety due to the lack of sufficient savings to replace their income. The reality of living on a small fixed income limits the lifestyle and ability to adapt to the changes of late adult curative needs for many elderly people. citizen with greater resources at relinquishment have way to greater variety of opportunities and activities (Jurgmeen, & Moen, 2002). In addition, the way to surplus income allows for more recreation and less stress from financial concerns. This plan that wealth and well-being are connected is also supported by a microeconomics ideas that states that an growth in the income level of a society would lead, other things being constant, to greater well being (Easterlin & Christine, 1999).

However, it is foremost to keep in mind that increases in personel income levels are relative to the changes in one's reference group (Lian & Fairchild, 1979). Increases in income are considered to be relative. In other words, if an individual's gains in economic status outpace the gains of the reference group then the personel will likely perceive a greater sense of satisfaction. On the other hand, if their gains are equal to the mean in their reference group, there will likely be no change. If the increases are less than the reference group than the effect will be less satisfaction. Therefore, it may be foremost for many older adults transitioning to relinquishment to have sufficient savings or other income in order to contend or exceed their old financial status.

The connection in the middle of instruction and income to prosperous aging is a complex one that involves numerous external variables. But it seems that there is conclusive evidence that both instruction and income levels help to put in order an personel for the changes that they will face in old age and "influence on their ability to view aging as an opportunity for prolonged growth as opposed to an perceive of public loss" (Steveink, Westerhof, Bode, et al, 2001).

One of the most foremost aspects of how well individuals age is connected to their ability to compose and contend strong relationships and public sustain systems (Rowe & Kahn, 1998). It is also foremost to mention that solitude, or a lack of public interaction, is considered a major health risk factor (Unger, McAvay, Bruce, et al, 1999). recent studies propose that the effects of public ties on the risk of corporal decline in elderly are greater in men than women. These studies also record that there is a strong connection in the middle of public sustain or public networks to the probability to cardiovascular and all cause mortality for men (Berkman, Seeman, Albert, et al,1993).

This gender dissimilarity could be explained by the fact that women devote a greater measure of their lives caretaking and developing friendships, so they are more accustomed to building and utilizing public networks. While men, in contrast, have devoted a greater measure of their lives to their careers, therefore, they have not industrialized the public networks or skills to apply these networks that most women have (Unger, McAvay, Bruce, et al, 1999). In addition, public ties appear to be most foremost among elderly individuals with less corporal ability (Unger, McAvay, Bruce, et al, 1999). It seems that citizen with corporal disabilities have a greater need to compose friendships and sustain networks to help them in coping with the limitations caused by their conditions. Friends and family provide them with a means to continue participating in public activities and unblemished the tasks of everyday living that they may be unable to perform on their own. This provides sustain for the reliance that establishing strong public networks may growth not only ability of life, but quantity as well.

Social relationships and public sustain systems serve as protective factors in many ways (Bovbjerg & McCann, et al, 1995), (Krause & Borawski-Clarke, 1994). They benefit individuals by enhancing self esteem, providing encouragement, and promoting salutary behaviors. It is also possible that public networks may provide more tangible assistance such as food, clothing, and transportation. This type of assistance enables an elderly someone to remain socially active even though they may not have the means to do so on their own. It is also foremost to distinguish the dissimilarity in the middle of receiving sustain and assistance from friends or relatives as opposed to agency assistance.

Possibly the most foremost source of public sustain comes from the family, which provides self-system mechanisms which growth an individual's subjective impression of life satisfaction. In addition families provide a ideas of sustain and interaction that may not be ready from covering sources for some elderly people. All of these types of networks may prevent the degree of public isolation in old age, that is connected with depression and other psychological problems (Krause, 1991).

With all of the corporal and psychological changes that citizen face in late adulthood i.e., decreases in vision, hearing, memory, etc., the ability to adapt to life circumstances that force aging individuals to move from one living style to another is an integral part of prosperous aging (Warnick, 1995). plainly maintaining the ability to perform the everyday tasks of living is not necessarily considered prosperous aging. prosperous aging requires the maintenance of competence entertaining cognitive, personality, material, and public resources (Baltes & Lang, 1993). Adapting to these changes requires the use of flexible strategies to optimize personal functioning (Baltes & Baltes, 1990).

The strategies that one may employ to cope with the changes that accompany the aging process may be small not only by the individuals ability to apply a new strategy, such as studying sign language or walking with a cane, but also by their perception of their ability to do so. Many elderly citizen will avoid using new tools to adapt to turn if they believe that they are unprepared to make such an adjustment (Slagen-DeKort, 2001).
Perceived self efficacy is defined as "peoples judgment of their capabilities to compose and execute the courses of performance required to attain designated types of performance" ( Bandura, 1986). citizen who believe in their ability will set higher goals for themselves and expect that they will be able to perform these goals. Self efficacy has been found to affect the adaptive strategies used by older adults (Slangen-DeKort, 1999).

There are two dispositions besides perception of self efficacy that affect individuals ability to cope, these are flexibility and tenacity (Slangen-DeKort, 1999). Tenacity is defined by an individuals persistence with which they are able to remain focused upon their goals in the face of obstacles. Flexibility refers to ones ability to readjust goals based on new information. The research of Slangen-DeKort et al (1999) concludes that self referent beliefs about personal competence affect adaptive behavior and the choice of adaptive strategies. "The direct effect, which is strongest, implies that even if a someone appraises a positive adaptation as the most optimal one, this adaptation may not be adopted when this someone perceives that the required efforts exceed his or her personal competence. In this case, a less optimal alternative strategy will be embraced." (Maddox & Douglas, 1973).

Given the huge estimate of variables that are complex in determining how well an personel will age, it is impossible to point to one factor as being the most important. But, it is safe to say that ones ability to successfully age is considered to a great extent by their attitudes toward aging and growing old. These positive and negative attitudes will be the effect of how effectively an personel is able to adapt to the physical, psychological, and public changes that will take place throughout adulthood. If someone is able to accept the changes of life and look forward to the challenges that they gift with hope and desire to change, then they will be great prepared to face old age. In addition, the relationships and beliefs that are industrialized across the life span will be relied upon in old age as a resource for sustain and assistance in coping. Upon examining research on prosperous aging, it seems that many of the concepts that are applied to earlier developmental stages are equally foremost in old age.

For example, change, adaptation, personal growth, and cognitive function are aspects of development that may be as foremost in old age as they are in childhood development. In conclusion, it seems that the gift and time to come of aging research may be used to compose curative and psychological interventions that will provide a more positive aging perceive and well-being in old age.

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